The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
62.27 €
Роман Марка Твена "Приключения Гекльберри Финна" - это история о бесшабашном американском мальчишке Гекльберри Финне, друге известного во всем мире веселого и озорного Тома Сойера.
После того как два проказника разбогатели, Геку стало слишком скучно вести размеренную жизнь, и он не смог усидеть на месте. В компании своего верного товарища, беглого негра Джима, Гек отправляется в полное невероятных приключений путешествие вдоль диких берегов Миссисипи.
Книга на английском языке.
'It's lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them'
Huck Finn spits, swears, smokes a pipe and never goes to school. With his too-big clothes and battered straw hat, Huck is in need of 'civilising', and the Widow Douglas is determined to take him in hand. And wouldn't you know, Huck's no-good Pap is also after him and he locks Huck up in his cabin in the woods. But Huck won't stand too much of this, and after a daring escape, he takes off down the Mississppi on a raft with an runaway slave called Jim. But plenty of dangers wait for them along the river - will they survive and win their freedom?
После того как два проказника разбогатели, Геку стало слишком скучно вести размеренную жизнь, и он не смог усидеть на месте. В компании своего верного товарища, беглого негра Джима, Гек отправляется в полное невероятных приключений путешествие вдоль диких берегов Миссисипи.
Книга на английском языке.
'It's lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them'
Huck Finn spits, swears, smokes a pipe and never goes to school. With his too-big clothes and battered straw hat, Huck is in need of 'civilising', and the Widow Douglas is determined to take him in hand. And wouldn't you know, Huck's no-good Pap is also after him and he locks Huck up in his cabin in the woods. But Huck won't stand too much of this, and after a daring escape, he takes off down the Mississppi on a raft with an runaway slave called Jim. But plenty of dangers wait for them along the river - will they survive and win their freedom?